A brief history of Replior
Replior is founded
Replior is founded as a subsidiary to Stricent AB.
Stricent was a Swedish CRO with their own data collection software. Replior comes to life to manage IT operations for mainly Stricent and it’s life science
Stricent was a Swedish CRO with their own data collection software. Replior comes to life to manage IT operations for mainly Stricent and it’s life science
Replior acquires
the Trial Online EDC
the Trial Online EDC
Replior acquires the Trial Online EDC software system from Stricent and starts the journey of becoming a trusted partner for data collection in clinical trials
SCAPIS Clinical Trial
SCAPIS, the Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study, is the largest medical study ever conducted in Sweden. Run in six university hospitals, the SCAPIS study examined 30,154 people between the ages of 50 and 64 between November 2013 and November of 2018, for heart and lung conditions.
All data in the SCAPIS study was collected on Trial Online EDC.
All data in the SCAPIS study was collected on Trial Online EDC.
Trial Online ePRO is launched
Trial Online ePRO is launched following a collaboration with Trial Form Support and Otsuka
eConsent released
Trial Online eConsent is released for the first time enabling patient to receive and sign the informed consent digitally.
New ePRO Features
Trial Online ePRO is enhanced with gamification features to engage and motivate patients with extraordinary results in patient retention and patient compliance. Almirall launches four clinical trials using the new ePRO functionality proving the capacity of gamification in boosting both patient retention and patient compliance. Almirall and Replior have a keynote later in 2023 showcasing the outcome of using gamification elements in clinical trials.
Established Complior AB
Complior is founded as a dedicated hosting company for regulated businesses. Complior is the result of a merge between 24 Solution and Replior's hosting services.
To structure the business, Hiberion Group is founded and now serves as the holding company for Replior, Complior and Capture. All subsidiaries are fully owned by Hiberion.
To structure the business, Hiberion Group is founded and now serves as the holding company for Replior, Complior and Capture. All subsidiaries are fully owned by Hiberion.
Device Provisioning Management is Launched
Replior launches a Device Provisioning Service to provide patients with a smartphone or tablet device. The devices are controlled and locked to only allow predefined apps and communications. The service offering is global and includes data plans, shipping and handling, full insurance, etc
Direct Integrations
The Trial Online Suite now features direct integrations with Suvoda RTSM system and
Aniu Trial Master.
Release of ePRO APP
Trial Online ePRO releases support for native apps for Android and IOS enabling roadmap for Gamification, eVisit and DCT.
Trial Online eVisit is released, a telemedicine service that allows chats, voice and video calls between site and patients, as a response to the global difficulties in clinical trials following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Trial Online eVisit is released, a telemedicine service that allows chats, voice and video calls between site and patients, as a response to the global difficulties in clinical trials following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Voice Recording is launched
Voice Recording and Listening features are added to Trial Online ePRO following a request from customer Noema Pharma. The rationale is simple yet very powerful. The new functionality, available to all clients, serves to help patients remember, for example, how they felt at the baseline visit compared to a later visit. The patient records a private message in the study app to describe current wellbeing status. Before completing further tasks that assess the change in wellbeing compared to the baseline visit, they are required to listen to their initial recording. The recording serves as a bookmark in the memory assisting in remembering and provides more accurate data.
Advanced Calculations is launched
A module for direct advanced outcome calculations is developed in Trial Online ePRO. Calculations can spread over all collected data and can be used for a wide range of use cases. Noema Pharma utilizes the functionality to review all collected questionnaires and eDiary data to determine if the patient is a responder to the medication according to pre-defined conditions.
Interface Upgrade and New Integrations
Replior is qualified as a data collection vendor by several CRO customers.
Trial Online Suite adds integrations with Medrio, Veeva RTSM and S-Clinica.
A full upgrade of the user interface of Trial Online EDC is released.
Trial Online Suite adds integrations with Medrio, Veeva RTSM and S-Clinica.
A full upgrade of the user interface of Trial Online EDC is released.
UV Sensor Integration
A wearable UV sensor is integrated directly into Trial Online ePRO app in close collaboration with Almirall S.A and SunSense.
The UV sensor sends UV radiation level every 2 minutes and serves both for analytic data and to inform the patient of their accumulated UV dosage. The first trial using the integration involves 540 patients and is ongoing until 2026.
The UV sensor sends UV radiation level every 2 minutes and serves both for analytic data and to inform the patient of their accumulated UV dosage. The first trial using the integration involves 540 patients and is ongoing until 2026.
ACDM keynote
Almirall's Diego Herrera and Replior's CEO, Christer Nilsson, present an extremely well-received keynote on Gamification in clinical trials and showcase the outcome of using these engaging techniques in three dermatology trials.
New EDC system in Development
Replior decided a few years back to build a new EDC system from the ground up. The landscape for traditional EDC data collection will be vastly different in the coming years.
With a new modern EDC platform Replior will be well positioned to securely integrate new functionality and ways of working based on large language models and predictive algorithms.
The release of the new Trial Online EDC system is planned for 2024.
With a new modern EDC platform Replior will be well positioned to securely integrate new functionality and ways of working based on large language models and predictive algorithms.
The release of the new Trial Online EDC system is planned for 2024.
Investment in Data Management Team
Replior's Clinical Data Management team triples in size to bring in industry expertise and further enhance collaboration with our customers
Award for Clinical Trial
Replior won the Ennova Health award for the UV sensor integration
Business development expansion
Replior invests in a Business Development team in the US
120 participants enrolled in 3 days
Replior partners with a sponsor to successfully enroll 120 participants in a study with ePRO and a wearable UV sensor, in three days. A great testament to the stability of the integrated wearable solution.